Monday, August 18, 2014

HDFB News Alert!

As promised to you all on Friday, I have some major fun and exciting news to share. It's been a whirlwind 6 weeks, in which I sold my townhouse, my boyfriend and I moved in with my parents {thanks Mom & Dad!}, and then turned around and started the house hunt for a new place to call home. And as much as we have loved living rent free, and being able to spend quality time with my family, we are excited to announce that we officially closed on a new place on Friday afternoon! In which we proceeded to drive directly to the empty house from work, make an insane to do list and fill up a shopping cart at the hardware store with the essentials, like new address numbers for the front of the house and sample back splash tiles. Like I said, the essentials.

We have so much to do to make this our dream house, but we are the lucky ones and have nothing but time. Painters start this week, and in no time we will be moved in and starting a new chapter. I'll periodically share our renovations with you all. But I'm looking forward to the best part, the housewarming party!!!!

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