Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekend Recap: "Falling in Love" Bridal Shower Edition

I had every intention of sharing my first Thanksgiving recipe of the season with you guys today, but after the most amazing weekend I had, I couldn't NOT share some pictures with you all. Andrew's family flew into town from all over the U.S., to help throw me a bridal shower, based on my favorite season; fall. The "Falling in Love" themed shower was complete with autumn colored floral arrangements, pumpkin martinis, pumpkin pasta, and sweets galore. After some fun shower games and gifts, we spent the rest of afternoon getting to know each other's families and friends. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend with my future in-laws, and a huge shout out to my mom, for spending countless sleepless nights on Pinterest, opening up her home, and re-creating all of the best fall-inspired decorations!

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