Monday, August 3, 2015

HDBF Weekend Recap: Blind Taste Testing

This weekend we attended one of my best friend's annual birthday bash, where all the guys bring 2 bombers of beer and all of the girls bring a bottle of wine. All of the bottles are wrapped in brown bags and then numbered. Everyone takes notes on the different beers and wines that they try, ultimately voting for one favorite at the end of the night. We always have such a great time trying out new brands that we may have never had before and socializing with old friends. Here is the rest of our weekend in photos. Oh, and don't forget about National Watermelon Day (celebrate with this, this, or this.)

 the obsession is real you guys.

 olbigatory cactus photo at the grocery store.

 my little brother re-enlisted in the Navy this weekend! 

 3 of the 11 bottles we had that night. 

 just half of the beer selection. 

that there is a lot of bottles. 

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