Monday, August 25, 2014

HDFB Buys a House

I know everyone across the states are loving celebrating in all of their summer glory. Lake trips, summer BBQs, and outdoor concerts. And though I say this every summer, "it's just a dry heat", I am so over the AZ summer and ready for fall. Pumpkin everything. Cosy sweaters and scarfs. Football. Halloween. My obnoxious obsession with Halloween has already begun. At Costco this weekend and I begged my boyfriend to buy the 4-foot tall skeleton display. And though I may not have walked out of the store with it, you will be mine Mr. Skelly. You just wait and see.


Plus, moving into a house in the summer is insanity. So if the weather could just cool down a mere 10 degrees, my skin and unpacking skills would really benefit. Something about unpacking boxes in 100+ degrees just isn't right to me.  Luckily someone was smart enough to mark all of the boxes (thanks Andrew!), so we could at least drop them in their potential "area" for the time being. Everything actually went pretty well, especially since we moved everything between just the two of us. Except for when our realtor helped us go pick up our couch with this trailer, and then we almost lost some pillows on the highway. Damn, I wish I had a picture of that for the scrapbook ha! Or when Andrew's car battery died as we got ready to take over our final load of stuff. Or when we turned off the power to the house and installed a ceiling fan in the darkness with the light from a cell phone. Remind me to put flashlights on the list for my next Home Depot run. Can't wait for everything to be placed into it's new "spot" so we can get started on new traditions in our new home! What is your favorite summer and fall traditions?

 The boyf hard at work!

1 comment:

  1. Moving in the summer sounds rough. Moving in general is rough. Our garage still isn't even all the way un-packed and we've been in our house for 5 years. Oops. So extra kudos to you!! And yay for new homes!!
